M-Sci is a two-year program for students interested in any of the natural sciences and mathematics and who have been admitted to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts of the University of Michigan. The sciences and mathematics at LSA include a wide range of majors offered through the departments of Astronomy; Biophysics; Chemistry; Earth and Environmental Sciences; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Mathematics; Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Physics; and Statistics.
The program begins with a summer academic program followed by two years of special programming. The M-Sci Program is designed to strengthen and diversify the cohort of students who will receive their degrees in science or mathematics from the University of Michigan. Upon graduation, students who participate in M-Sci will be exceptionally well prepared to seek career opportunities or to attend graduate or professional school in the sciences or mathematics.
Support the M-Sci Academy
M-Sci is committed to strengthening and diversifying the community of STEM students at U-M. The generosity and support of our donors has enabled us to continue to expand this exciting initiative, and we look forward to larger and more inclusive cohorts in the future. Your donation would help to ensure our continued success.